Iran’s Zarif Calls Israel, Takfiri Terrorism "Common Threat" to World

Iran’s Zarif Calls Israel, Takfiri Terrorism "Common Threat" to World

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif highlighted the Zionist regime of Israel’s heinous crimes against the Palestinian people and said the regime and Takfiri (extremist) groups are considered as a common threat to the world.

“The Zionist regime and Takfiri groups are, in fact, a single danger, both of which are guided by same powers in the world and the region,” Zarif told reporters at  a massive rally in Tehran on Friday morning, held to mark the International Quds Days.

“The Takfiri currents and their supporters have forgotten the reality of Israel's enmity against the Islamic world and have targeted Muslims, instead of the regime” the Iranian top diplomat said.

He added that the Takfiri currents are one of the biggest threats, which not only face the Muslim world but also the whole world.

Millions of fasting Iranian people took to the streets on Friday to attend nationwide rallies to express solidarity with the Palestinian people, who have been suffering from Israel’s atrocities for decades.

Venting their anger on the Tel Aviv regime and its allies, demonstrators call for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine, Judaization of the holy city of al-Quds and construction of Israeli settlements across the West Bank.

Carrying placards and chanting slogans against Israel and the US, marchers voiced their support for the people of Gaza and the West Bank, and reiterated their opposition to the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Zionists.

Each year, the International Quds Day is held on the last Friday of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.

The event’s raison d'être is renewing support for the Palestinians and fierce denunciation of Israel.

The day is also seen as the legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, who officially declared the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day back in 1979.

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