Visa Requirements for Iranians Visiting Azerbaijan Not Lifted: Source

Visa Requirements for Iranians Visiting Azerbaijan Not Lifted: Source

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An informed source played down reports of visa-free travels between Iran and the Republic of Azerbaijan, saying Baku has only moved to grant Iranians visa on arrival at airports.

The Republic of Azerbaijan has not lifted visa requirements for Iranian nationals, but has only facilitated entry visa issuance for Iranians at the airport, the source said on Monday.

It came after Azeri president said at a joint press conference in Baku on Sunday that there are plans for visa-free travels between the two countries.

President Hassan Rouhani is in Baku to attend a trilateral meeting with his Russian and Azeri counterparts.

On Sunday, top officials from Iran and Azerbaijan signed six Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements to promote mutual cooperation in a range of fields.

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