No Slowdown in Iran’s Military Tests, War Games: Top Commander

No Slowdown in Iran’s Military Tests, War Games: Top Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – There will be no delay or slowdown in Iran’s military tests and war games, Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri underscored, saying the country has devised comprehensive defensive strategies to counter all threats.

Addressing a military parade in Tehran on Wednesday morning, the senior commander emphasized that "all military tests and war games will continue to be held according to the schedule and will not be suspended or delayed under any circumstances.”

The military programs will be made public whenever deemed appropriate, Major General Baqeri added, stressing that the Iranian Armed Forces enjoy such high level of defense power that they will never face a surprise attack.

The top officer also warned certain countries “seeking insecurity and instability in Iran and in the region under the umbrella of the US and in cooperation with the fake and child-murderer Zionist regime” that they will meet a fate no better than deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Iranian Armed Forces staged military parades across the country on Wednesday morning to commemorate the Sacred Defense Week, which marks the onset of the Iraqi imposed war on Iran 36 years ago.

In capital Tehran, the parades were held at the mausoleum of the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, south of the city.

Simultaneously, a large-scale military parade was also held in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas under supervision of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Navy.

The most recent achievements of the Iranian armed forces in missile industry, equipment for the ground, naval and air defense forces as well as communication gear were put on display in the military events.

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