Anti-Trump Protests across US

Anti-Trump Protests across US

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A crowd of more than 1,000 people showed up in front of the White House – some protesters even taking to the trees – in the early hours of Wednesday morning with the election still in doubt, but trending towards Trump, the Republican nominee.

Some demonstrators reportedly began chanting “F--- Donald Trump.”

Many of those in attendance appeared to be from nearby colleges, Fox News reported.

Others in the crowd were protesting Trump’s immigration policies. A group of about 20 Black Lives Matter supporters were also interspersed in the crowd at one point.

Protests also broke out in cities across the US, including marches in Oakland, Los Angeles, Portland and New York City after reports showed Trump has won the White House race.

At the University of California, Los Angeles, there were reports of hundreds of students gathering.

In Oakland in northern California, protesters started a small fire.

There were also reports of rallies and demonstrations in downtown Portland, in Davis, California and at Columbia University in New York.

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