Judiciary Chief Urges Decisive Response to British PM’s Anti-Iran Remarks

Judiciary Chief Urges Decisive Response to British PM’s Anti-Iran Remarks

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani on Monday censured British Prime Minister Theresa May’s recent comments against the Islamic Republic as “undignified”, stressing the need for a crushing response from Iran’s administration.

May said at a summit of the (Persian) Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) in Bahrain on Wednesday that Britain would contribute to counteracting what she called “aggressive regional actions” from Iran.

“A country that has come to the Persian Gulf from thousands of kilometers away to set up military bases accuses the Islamic Republic… of undermining regional security,” Ayatollah Larijani said of Britain.

“Are you, who have established military bases in the region, brought forces into Iraq, are playing a part in the killings and tragedies in Yemen, and support criminal rulers, after security and the Islamic Republic is disturbing security?” the senior official wondered.

He called on the country’s administration to give a crushing response to the remarks so that Britain will realize that it is “just a small island and the delusion of the era of (British) empire, which was based on people’s ignorance, is over.”

Amoli Larijani further highlighted the Islamic Republic’s powerful presence in the region and said Iran will stand against domineering powers and their “meaningless interference and undignified comments.”

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi has also rejected May’s remarks, emphasizing that states whose own irresponsible interference has spread insecurity, violence and extremism are in no position to accuse others of interfering in the Middle East affairs.

Slamming London’s “futile and unconstructive” policy of resorting to divisive measures to return to the region on Wednesday, Qassemi said the British premier, whose country’s interests have been at stake following evolution in ties with the EU, has made the anti-Iran comments at a PGCC meeting just to appease some Arab leaders.

These stances seem to be part of British attempts to clinch new deals with the Persian Gulf Arab states to sell them arms, which will eventually aggravate the crises and war crimes against people in Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, Iraq and other regional Muslim nations, he added.

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