Trump Slams NBC for Revealing 2005 Tax Forms

Trump Slams NBC for Revealing 2005 Tax Forms

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - US President Trump slammed NBC News early Wednesday for releasing two pages of his tax forms, questioning a reporter's version of how he obtained the documents and calling the network “FAKE NEWS!”

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow spent twenty minutes Tuesday evening teasing what questions Trump’s tax returns could answer, including potential ties to Russian banks and to corrupt Azerbaijani businessmen.

The forms, however, showed that the businessman earned over $150 million in 2005. The documents also showed that Trump paid millions in federal taxes, following speculation that he had not paid taxes since 1995 after suffering major business losses.

The numbers were confirmed by the White House before the report aired.

David Cay Johnston, a Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist, said on MSNBC that he received tax forms in his mailbox, the Hill reported.

Johnston told Maddow it is “entirely possible that Donald sent this to me.”

“Donald Trump has over the years leaked all sorts of things,” Johnston continued. "Donald has a long history of leaking material about himself when he thinks it’s in his interest.”

Johnston on Wednesday morning fired back at Trump's tweet.

"Gee, Donald, your White House confirmed my story. POTUS fake Tweet. Sad!" Johnston tweeted.

The tax forms are in the news at a time when the White House is attempting to push a new health care proposal and also address connections about Trump aides with Russia.

Some politicians believe they are attempt by the White House to distract the public.

"Focus! $880b cut in Medicaid in order to pay for a $880b tax cut for rich. Plus an age tax,” Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) tweeted.

Dan Pfeiffer, a former senior adviser to President Barack Obama, also suggested healthcare should be the focus.

Former Rep. John Dingell (D-Co.) also said, ”Most interesting # in Trump's taxes: 24,000,000. Oh no wait that's just how many Americans will lose health care under his terrible plan."

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