IRGC Smashes Terrorist Team West of Iran

IRGC Smashes Terrorist Team West of Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) forces attacked a team of terrorists in Iran’s Western province of Kurdistan on Friday morning, killing three and arresting one person.

According to the public relations department of the IRGC’s Hamze Sayyid al-Shohada Base, the IRGC ground troops in Kurdistan Province clashed with a team of terrorists affiliated with the global arrogance on Friday morning.

The terrorist team had plans to carry out operations inside Iran and create insecurity, the statement added, saying the IRGC servicemen identified the terrorists and managed to kill three of them and capture one in a clash.

It also noted that the IRGC forces confiscated the terrorist team’s weapons and ammunition in the operation.

There has been a surge in the number of the counter-terrorism operations the IRGC has launched in recent weeks.

A few days ago, the IRGC Ground Force killed Jalil Qanbarzehi, a ringleader of the Ansar al-Furqan terrorist group, in an operation in Qasr-e Qand heights in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan.

In a separate attack in the same province last week, the IRGC forces killed a number of Takfiri militants and confiscated a large amount of explosives and ammunition. The security forces could destroy an explosive-laden device with 600 kilograms of explosives, and confiscated five bombs improvised for suicide attacks, more than 700 kg of explosive materials, tens of thousands of cartridges, and a number of weapons.

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