Russia May Have Informed US of IRGC Missile Raid: General

Russia May Have Informed US of IRGC Missile Raid: General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US military jets scrambled four minutes after the first missile fired by the IRGC hit its target during a strike against Daesh (ISIL) terrorists in Syria on June 18, a top commander announced, saying Americans may have been informed of the operation by Russia.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran on Saturday evening, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said the missile attack the IRGC launched against the positions of Daesh terrorist group in Syria’s Deir ez-Zor “caused havoc for the terrorists”, saying his forces have obtained new information.

On June 18, the IRGC fired six mid-range missile from its bases in Iran’s western provinces of Kermanshah and Kurdistan at the positions of terrorists in Deir ez-Zor. The raid was made in retaliation for a recent terrorist attack in Tehran claimed by the Daesh (ISIL) terrorist group.

Elsewhere in his comments, Brigadier General Hajizadeh said American warplanes flew over the operation zone only four minutes after the first missile hit the target.

“Americans may have been informed by Russians about the operation,” he noted.

According to the commander, all missiles have successfully hit the planned targets.

The missiles employed in the operation had sections detached from their bodies before the warheads hit the targets, the general explained, noting that the detached parts had been designed to fall on the Iraqi soil.

In a statement on Wednesday, the IRGC Public Relations Department said more than 170 Daesh terrorists, including several ringleaders, have been killed in the missile raid.

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