Hariri Resignation 1st Phase of Saudi-Zionist Plot against Lebanon: Analyst

Hariri Resignation 1st Phase of Saudi-Zionist Plot against Lebanon: Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s resignation is the first episode of a scheme hatched by the Zionists and Saudis against Hezbollah and Lebanon’s security, a senior Lebanese analyst said.

Amin Hotait, a retired Lebanese general, told Tasnim in an exclusive interview that in the second phase, the Zionists and Saudis will attempt to foment sedition in Lebanon to weaken Hezbollah and prepare the ground for attacking the country in the final phase.

The victories achieved by the axis of resistance in Syria, failure of Saudi policies in the region, and Hezbollah’s very likely victory in next year’s parliamentary elections in Lebanon are among “the reasons behind Saudi Arabia’s crazy move (to force Hariri to resign)”, he said.

Hotait said, however, that conditions in Lebanon today are quite different from those in 1988 as the axis of resistance has the upper hand and will not allow Saudi Arabia and Israel to implement their plans in Lebanon.

“Everything is under control,” the retired Lebanese general stressed, adding that the Lebanese government can overcome this challenge.

“Lebanon’s president, with the parliament’s permission, has legal authority to form a new cabinet if Hariri remains in custody in Saudi Arabia and does not return to Lebanon,” the analyst said.

Hariri resigned on Saturday, saying in a televised broadcast he sensed a plot to target his life.

His resignation statement was made and broadcast from the Saudi capital Riyadh.

Reports say the Saudi regime had ordered Hariri to resign in an attempt to destabilize Lebanon.

Saad Hariri is the son of former Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri, who was assassinated in 2005. Hariri has also been the leader of the Future Movement party since 2005.

He became prime minister in 2016 after serving another term between November 2009 and June 2011.

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