Iranian Police: All Detained Rioters Handed Over to Judiciary

Iranian Police: All Detained Rioters Handed Over to Judiciary

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Spokesman for Iran’s Police Brigadier General Saeed Montazer-al-Mahdi said all of those arrested for rioting and destroying public property during recent unrest in the country have been handed over to judicial authorities.

Among the detainees are some individuals that desecrated Iran’s national flag and killed two people in the city of Dorud by a fire truck, Brigadier General Saeed Montazer-al-Mahdi said on Sunday.

During the riots, 20 people were killed, including a father and his son in Dorud, where rioters put the fire truck into neutral, causing it to go hurtling into a sedan and killing the father and son inside the car, the spokesman added.

Montazer-al-Mahdi further emphasized that the main ringleaders of the riots and acts of vandalism are in custody and that all of the arrested rioters have been handed over to judicial authorities.

Last week, peaceful protests over rising prices and economic problems broke out in some Iranian cities, but the unauthorized gatherings turned violent after a number of opportunists, some of them armed, vandalized public property and launched attacks on police stations and government buildings.

Iranian security officials say they have hard evidence that the protests were directed from abroad.

They say many rioters arrested in the unrest have been trained by the MKO or had links with Takfiri terrorist groups.

Following the unrest, people held several demonstrations across the country to condemn the violent riots and acts of vandalism, and voice support for the Islamic Republic’s Establishment.

Iranian officials maintain that people have the right to stage protests to express their opinions as long as rallies comply with the legal conditions.

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