Royal Opera House in London Evacuated - Covent Garden Placed on Lockdown

Royal Opera House in London Evacuated - Covent Garden Placed on Lockdown

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Royal Opera House in Covent Garden and the surrounding roads were sealed off following reports of a bomb threat.

Photos taken at the scene showed police cordons surrounding the famous venue, with the surrounding streets eerily quiet, Express reported.

One witness said: “Apparent bomb scare in Covent garden most buildings evacuated!”

One Twitter posted a photo of the scene at 10.45am.

They said: “Mass evacuation of the Royal Opera House and surrounding areas due to a bomb scare.”

Another photo showed sniffer dogs are at the scene. The Met Police said police were called to investigate a “suspect package”.

They said the incident had now been stood down. Staff members have returned to the Royal Opera House.

The venue tweeted: “The Royal Opera House was evacuated this morning along with other businesses in the area.

“The situation is now resolved with staff and artists returning safely to the building.”

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