Iran Willing to Buy $1.5bln Worth of Ukrainian Agricultural Products

Iran Willing to Buy $1.5bln Worth of Ukrainian Agricultural Products

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has expressed willingness to purchase $1.5 billion worth of agricultural products from Ukraine, a report said.

Ukraine and Iran are interested in deepening bilateral cooperation in the agricultural sector, particularly in increasing supplies of grains, vegetable oil, corn, barley and soybeans for domestic needs of Iran, Ukraine’s Deputy Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Viktor Sheremeta said, according to

He made the remark in a meeting with an Iranian delegation in Kiev, the Ukrainian ministry’s press service reported.

“Iran is important trading partner of Ukraine, although, unfortunately, there has been a decrease in bilateral trade in the last few years,” Sheremeta said. “Today, Ukraine is ready to increase supplies and expand the range of agricultural exports to Iran.”

He added that the Iranian side has expressed the intention to buy Ukrainian agricultural products worth $1.5 billion and suggested facilitating export simplification to promote significant trade potential between the countries.

“The Iranian side is interested in increasing imports of Ukrainian agricultural products and expanding the product group, in particular, that of vegetable oils and soybeans,” he went on to say.

In 2016, Iran and Ukraine signed a memorandum of understating for the expansion of economic cooperation in various fields.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said at the time there are good opportunities for closer trade interaction between Iranian and Ukrainian companies in a broad range of fields, including higher education, scientific and technological issues, energy, power plant equipment, renewable energies, agriculture, cultural programs and tourism.

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