US Author Calls FATF A Neo-Colonial Device

US Author Calls FATF A Neo-Colonial Device

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Dean Henderson, an author and geopolitical analyst from Missouri, warned Iran against joining the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), describing the organization as “a neo-colonial device conjured up by the money powers to retain the current unjust world order”.

“I would advise against joining FATF. (Ayatollah) Khamenei is absolutely correct. It is a neo-colonial device conjured up by the money powers to retain the current unjust world order,” Henderson told Tasnim.

Dean Henderson earned a BLS (Bachelor of Liberal Studies) from the University of South Dakota and an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana. He founded/published/edited one of America’s first political “zines”, The Missoula Paper, in 1990 in Missoula where he was also a regular columnist for the Montana Kaimin. Henderson has traveled to some 50 countries and has written articles for the Global Research, In These Times, Paranoia, Veterans Today, and

Tasnim: As you know, in a speech from the White House on May 8, US President Donald Trump announced the US withdrawal from the accord, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Trump also said he would reinstate US nuclear sanctions on Iran and impose "the highest level" of economic bans on the Islamic Republic. It is said that the country’s oil sector will be affected the most. What do you think? What might the future hold about Iran’s economic condition?

Henderson: Trump has been an enigma. One day he talks war and the next peace. We can only hope the North Korea truce holds and that his rhetoric towards Iran turns to an olive branch. But the Middle East is not North Asia. North Korea has no oil. Thus far, he has followed the advice of Kushner, Bolton and the neocons with regards to Israel/Palestine, Iran and Saudi Arabian regional aggression. If the sanctions hold, they will adversely affect Iran's oil industry. If the nuclear deal crumbles, Iran will have to be proactive in that arena. It should also seek out new markets for its oil outside the London/Washington axis. Moreover, it should continue its resistance economy by diversifying into key sectors that can provide for domestic needs, eliminating the need for many imports. In doing these things, Iran can cushion the blow of this continual US aggression.

Tasnim: European governments have promised to stay in the deal and continue their agreements with Tehran. However, up to this moment, a number of their firms have announced their decision to put on hold plans with respect to Iran due to the threat of new US sanctions. Do you think Iran can count on Europe in tough times?

Henderson: If history is any guide, the Europeans will lock step behind the US when push comes to shove. That being said, Trump has alienated many European leaders, especially Germany's Angela Merkel, whose recent overtures to Russia are interesting. So too the recent election in Italy, which brought to power a left/right anti-EU bloc. Iran should consider European alliances and trade partnerships on a case-by-case basis, using their compliance to/support for the current JCPOA deal as a litmus test.

Tasnim: According to a recent report to Bloomberg, Washington has asked Tokyo to halt all crude purchases from Iran, insisting that its allies cease all trade with the country. This means that Washington is taking a harder stance on Iran than it did in 2012. Six years ago, before the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers, the US demanded that its allies should reduce oil purchases from sanctioned Iran, rather than stop them completely. What’s your perspective on this?

Henderson: The tension has been ratcheted up by Trump and one has to wonder if the neocon policy of overturning seven Middle East governments as enunciated by the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) crowd will come to fruition. Bolton is part of that crowd. Six countries - Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Syria - have already been destabilized. Iran is the other country on that list. Iran must be vigilant at this stage of history, but must also show great restraint as provocations are likely.

Tasnim: The last question is about FATF. Recently, Ayatollah Khamenei called on Iranian lawmakers to act self-reliantly when it comes to ratifying treaties invented for the good of big powers, saying the positive aspects of such conventions are not enough for Iran to join them. What do you think about FATF and Iran’s accession to it?

Henderson: I would advise against joining FATF. (Ayatollah) Khamenei is absolutely correct. It is a neo-colonial device conjured up by the money powers to retain the current unjust world order. Joining it would open Iran up to just such a pretext as I mentioned which would then be used to justify even more aggression towards Iran.

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