Hundreds Arrested at Capitol Hill during Kavanaugh Confirmation (+Video)
TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The US polices has arrested at least 164 furious protesters on the steps of the Capitol in Washington DC on Saturday after Judge Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice by the US Senate.
The mass arrests occurred while Kavanaugh was being confirmed to the court in a narrow 50-48 vote.
"The Supreme Court should be the most fit people in the land, the most fit lawyers, the best, the brightest, not people who hide their financial dealings, not people who lie under oath, and certainly not people who assault women and then lie about it and try to cover it up. I'm here for that, I'm here for the truth," said one of the protesters, RT reported.
The confirmation follows weeks of controversy and debate after Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford, a research psychiatrist, who alleged Kavanaugh assaulted her at a high school party in 1982.
The vote comes as a major win for US President Donald Trump who continued to express his full support for Kavanaugh despite Ford's accusations.