Iran Urges Arab League to Avoid Fomenting Division

Iran Urges Arab League to Avoid Fomenting Division

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry called on the Arab League chief to avoid making divisive remarks under the influence of certain regional countries.

Reacting to the latest remarks by Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said on Sunday that Aboul Gheit had better “stop making divisive remarks under the influence of certain regional states.”

“I remind you (Aboul Gheit) of the fact that you are the secretary general of the Arab League not a mere promoter of the policies of certain states with special behaviors and manners which stand in contradiction with the fate and interests of Arab and Muslim states of this sensitive region of the world,” Qassemi said.

“The Islamic Republic has established balanced and wise relations with most regional states and neighbors based on cooperation, dialogue, common interests, mutual respect and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs with due attention to the rights of neighborliness and regional security, stability and interests,” the Foreign Ministry website quoted the spokesman as saying.

This is a fundamental and long-term policy which Iran has pursued so far and will do so in future, he added.

Qassemi further said that Iran has stood by regional states more firmly than ever in the times of need and when requested by them, and has constructive exchanges with their nations and governments.

Iran believes that the main audience of Gheit’s remarks should be the very states which spend billions of dollars each year from their nations’ wealth to purchase security from extra-regional states, the Iranian spokesman added.

“But what they achieve at the end of the day is just insults and a growing concern over their future. As a neighbor and Muslim state in the region, we are deeply regretful to see that such a situation has dominated the region,” Qassemi deplored.

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