Yellow-Vest Protesters Attack Police Vehicle in Toulouse (+Video)

Yellow-Vest Protesters Attack Police Vehicle in Toulouse (+Video)

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Video emerged on social media shows protesters smashing police motorcycle in Toulouse after a yellow-vest protest this week went out of hand.

The video shows a number of protesters smashing the police vehicle with anger.

During the sixth straight weekend of protests by the grassroots movement protesting high taxes and other economic problems, an officer pulled a gun earlier this week after protesters kicked over his motorcycle. He did not fire it, but the move prompted a surge of anger by demonstrators hurling paving stones and other projectiles that drove the officer and his team to flee.

Overall, according to France24, the number of protesters sharply decreased from previous weekends. But despite multiple concessions from President Emmanuel Macron, the movement isn't over and one group is calling for Christmas protests and others are planning action on New Year's Eve.

Many protesters have denounced what they describe as disproportionate responses by police that include multiple beatings also captured on video. Hundreds of people have been injured in the clashes, mainly protesters but also police officers and journalists.

Police say they're acting in self-defense, and defended the officer who brandished his gun, saying it served as a deterrent to protect his colleagues.

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