Iran’s Army Chief Reaffirms Unity with IRGC

Iran’s Army Chief Reaffirms Unity with IRGC

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Commander of the Iranian Army underscored that his forces will keep working hand in hand with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) to foil the US and Israeli plots.

In comments at a cultural gathering of Basij forces on Thursday, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi underscored that the Army and the IRGC will keep working together to thwart the American plots and until the collapse of the Zionist regime.

Warning against the hostile plots to cause a rift between the Iranian Army and the IRGC and to lower the Iranian Army forces’ morale, the general noted that the Iranian Armed Forces remain united to foil the US plots.

The criminal US, the dirty Zionist regime, and the disgraced Munafiqeen (MKO terrorists) –who are worse than Daesh (ISIL) terrorists- had better realize that the great Iranian nation will never back off from Islam, the Army chief added.

In comments in April 2018, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei commended Major General Mousavi for his emphasis on unity among all Iranian Armed Forces, describing such a stance as a sign of the commander’s executive intelligence.

In 2016, Ayatollah Khamenei had praised the Iranian Armed Forces for employing a combination of military effectiveness and spiritual motivations, urging an incessant push to strengthen those capabilities.

The Armed Forces belong not to a specific individual or faction, but to the nation and country, protecting the national security, the Leader had noted.

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