Ali Gholi Agha Mosque of Isfahan

Ali Gholi Agha Mosque of Isfahan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Ali Gholi Agha had been one of the lords (Khajeh) in Shah Sultan Hussein Safavid’s era that had made mosque and bazaar in the name of him in Bid Aba’ad district of Isfahan.

The mosque has an almost small courtyard and its shabestan is designed with tile work in loop style. The installed inscription on top of the gateway is a calligraphy work which is written by Ali Naghi Emami in 1122 Hijri-Qamari. The drawn text on the inscription shows Shah Sultan Hussein and Ali Gholi Agha.

The beauty and worthy shabestan is located in eastern side of the yard and some poets are written on its inscription which its content shows that the shabestan is built in 1297 Hijri-Qamari, at the same time with Naser-al-Din Qajar’s reign.

The calligraphist of this inscription is Abdol Javad and its tile work is made by Mohammad Esmaeil.

In south of the balcony there is a beauty mehrab that its plinth is made of marble and top of the walls are designed with tile work. This mosque is one of the worthiest works of Isfahan particularly because of its calligraphy and tile works.


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