Zarif Decries Europe for Following US Orders

Zarif Decries Europe for Following US Orders

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif lashed out at the three European parties to the 2015 nuclear deal -the UK, France and Germany- for obeying the US orders when it comes to trade with Iran.

The top Iranian diplomat gave a speech to a gathering of Iranians in Frankfurt on Sunday evening, during a stopover in Germany on his way to Tehran from New York, where he attended the 74th annual session of the UN General Assembly.

Zarif said when in Europe he had talked to the president of a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, whose country is nuclear-armed, he told the Iranian foreign minister that he could not do anything without a permission from US President Donald Trump.

“If these days you see that the Europeans are getting a little closer to the US and becoming its allies, it's not because they saw us in a weak spot, but because they have failed to withstand the US,” Zarif said.

“For the past five months, Europe has been trying to give us credit in return for the sale of the Iranian crude oil to make the country stay in the JCPOA, but it has not been able to do even this little job because it is not even allowed by its master to spend its own money for its own security,” the Iranian diplomat deplored, Press TV reported.

Back in January, Britain, France, and Germany announced the establishment of a mechanism aimed at enabling non-dollar trade between the 28-nation bloc and Iran, officially called the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX).

The apparatus is supposed to circumvent the sanctions that Washington began re-imposing against Iran after leaving the JCPOA. But in reality not much has been achieved. Trade with Iran has not surged via INSTEX, and Europe has not stood up to the US over its illegal sanctions against Iran.

The three European countries have so far failed to uphold their commitments. They have expressed vocal support for the JCPOA, but failed to provide meaningful economic incentives as required under the nuclear agreement.

Iran has time and again said it will never talk with the US on any level until all US sanctions are lifted first.

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