Kremlin Says Nord Stream 2 Will Be Completed despite Possible US Sanctions

Kremlin Says Nord Stream 2 Will Be Completed despite Possible US Sanctions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The US’ sanctions will not suspend the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday.

"We assume that the project will be completed," he said when asked whether the US’ potential sanctions might suspend the creation of the gas pipeline.

Possible US sanctions against Nord Stream 2 violate international law and present a perfect example of unfair competition, according to Peskov.

"Such actions (possible US sanctions) are a direct violation of international law, they present an ideal example of unfair competition and spread their artificial dominance in European markets, imposing more expensive and uncompetitive products on European consumers - more expensive natural gas," he told reporters, Tass reported.

In his opinion, "neither Moscow, nor the European capitals, Berlin or Paris like such actions".

The United States Senate approved the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) specifying the annual budget and expenditures of the US Department of Defense for 2020 fiscal year (started on October 1), which obliges the administration to impose sanctions on the Russian Nord Stream 2 and TurkStream pipelines. Earlier, on December 11, the House of Representatives voted for the document, and now President Donald Trump is expected sign it. The US leader expressed his willingness to sign the bill as soon as it is adopted by lawmakers.

The Nord Stream 2 project involves construction of two lines with a total capacity of 55 bln cubic meters of gas per year from the coast of Russia through the Baltic Sea to Germany. Gazprom’s European partners in the project are German Uniper and Wintershall, Austrian OMV, French Engie and Anglo-Dutch Shell. The pipeline bypasses transit states - Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, and other East European and Baltic countries - through the exclusive economic zones and territorial waters of Russia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, and Germany.

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