Iran Attack Forced US to Retreat from Threats: President

Iran Attack Forced US to Retreat from Threats: President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the Islamic Republic’s retaliatory missile attack on a US military base in Iraq was so meaningful that forces Washington to back off from threats against Tehran.

In an address to a general assembly of the Central Bank of Iran on Thursday, Rouhani said Iran was the only country in the world that carried out its threat and took a military action against the US base in Iraq in retaliation for the American assassination of Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani.

He said Iran’s practical action against the US and its missile strike on the US airbase of Ain al-Assad in Iraq was so intense that it kept the Pentagon awake for 24 hours.    

Not many countries in the world dare to stand against the US and fire missiles on a major American military base, Rouhani added.

The president also highlighted the constant efforts to ensure Iran’s security and prevent a military offensive, warning that without round-the-clock vigilance, the distance between peace and war would be a single bullet.

It is very important that Iran has forced the US to retreat from its threats, he said, adding that the US president’s “tone and plans” for attacks on 52 targets in Iran changed and Donald Trump backed off “explicitly and formally” following Iran’s missile attack on the American base.

On January 8, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) launched a missile attack Ain al-Assad in Iraq’s western province of Anbar, in retaliation for the US assassination of Lt. General Soleimani.

Fifteen missiles rained down on the airbase, none of which were intercepted by the US army’s radar systems.

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