Iranian Spokesman Reacts to Reports of Israeli Submarine Deployment to Persian Gulf

Iranian Spokesman Reacts to Reports of Israeli Submarine Deployment to Persian Gulf

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry warned that everyone knows the risks of crossing the Islamic Republic’s red lines, reacting to reports that the Zionist regime has dispatched a submarine to the Persian Gulf.

Asked about the reports of deployment of an Israeli nuclear-powered submarine to the Persian Gulf in an apparent threat to Iran, Saeed Khatibzadeh said such reports are based on media speculations.

“Everybody knows what the Persian Gulf means to Iran, and what policy Iran pursues about its national interests and security,” the spokesman said at a press conference on Monday.

“They are aware of the risks of crossing Iran’s red lines,” he stressed.

The Zionist regime’s media reported that an Israeli submarine has embarked for the Persian Gulf in possible preparation for any Iranian retaliation over the November assassination of senior Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.

The above-water, fully visible Israeli deployment into the Suez Canal and then the Red Sea was a rare move that was reportedly carried out with the acquiescence of Egyptian authorities, The Washington Post reported.

Fakhrizadeh, a senior nuclear and defense scientist, was assassinated in a small city east of Tehran on November 27.

The Iranian military commanders have warned that a “harsh revenge” for the assassination of the top scientist has been put on the agenda.

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