All US Sanctions, Not JCPOA-Related Ones Alone, Must End: Source

All US Sanctions, Not JCPOA-Related Ones Alone, Must End: Source

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A source close to the JCPOA Joint Commission negotiations said the removal of the US sanctions relating to the 2015 nuclear deal alone would not suffice for Iran’s purposes, but all sanctions, including those re-labeled under the Trump administration, have to be lifted.

“It is not sufficient to only remove the JCPOA-related sanctions. Trump’s sanctions imposed under other labels need to be removed as well,” the source told Press TV on Sunday.

Further, the anti-Iran sanctions imposed by the administration of former president Barack Obama under the so-called Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) and the visa program will have to be terminated, the source added.

“In addition to the Trump-era sanctions, the United States must also remove the Obama-era sanctions that are in violation of the JCPOA,” the source noted.

The source also specified that the minimum time required to verify the sanctions relief is three to six months and that Iran will not agree to a temporary lifting of the sanctions or their waiver.

The source underlined the need for a “definite” removal of the coercive measures, saying the US envoy would return to Washington empty-handed from the next round of Vienna talks scheduled for next Wednesday if America refuses to accept Iran's conditions.

The JCPOA Joint Commission held a four-day round of talks in the Austrian city of Vienna, with representatives of Iran, Russia, China, France and the UK in attendance.

The US has been absent from the Commission and its discussions since 2018, when former American president Donald Trump took Washington out of the JCPOA and returned the sanctions that the nuclear accord had lifted.

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