Premier Hails Iran as Iraq’s Strategic Partner

Premier Hails Iran as Iraq’s Strategic Partner

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi praised Iran as his country’s strategic partner, saying the Islamic Republic’s support for Iraq in the war against Daesh terrorists has gone down in history.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif attended an Iftar (fast-breaking) banquet hosted by Prime Minister Kadhimi in Baghdad on Monday evening.

In the meeting, the Iraqi prime minister lauded Iran as a strategic partner, saying history will never forget the stance adopted by Tehran in support of Baghdad in the battle against the Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorist group.

Kadhimi also noted that Baghdad's view of Iran does not fall within the framework of neighborliness alone.

For his part, Zarif praised the Iraqi prime minister's special efforts to pursue the existing cases in the bilateral and regional relations with Iran, and elaborated on the latest developments in Tehran's negotiations with the JCPOA parties.

He also expressed gratitude to Baghdad for supporting the JCPOA and the removal of the US’ cruel and unilateral sanctions.

Zarif further called on Iraq to help settle the problems faced by Iranian companies and economic groups working in the fields of commerce, transport, and technical-engineering services.

The top Iranian diplomat has traveled to Iraq after a trip to Qatar.

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