Enemy Destined for Graveyard of History: IRGC Chief

Enemy Destined for Graveyard of History: IRGC Chief

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) reaffirmed Iran’s resolve to keep to the resistance path until ultimate victory over the enemy.

“We will continue resistance and will send the enemy to the graveyard of history by inflicting humiliating defeats (on it),” Major General Hossein Salami said at a televised interview on Saturday.

He emphasized that the IRGC will never allow the magnificent achievements of the Iranian martyrs to be harmed. 

Paying tribute to the martyrs that devoted their lives to the battle against terrorism in Syria, the commander said the enemies of Iran have become “depressed, impotent, disabled and unsuccessful”.

His comments came one day after Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei highlighted the decline of the Zionist regime at a speech in commemoration of the International Quds Day.

“Today, hope of achieving victory is stronger than ever. Today, the balance of power has swung in favor of the Palestinians. The Zionist enemy has become weaker year after year while its army, which used to describe itself as ‘the army which will never be defeated’, has turned into ‘an army which will never taste victory’ after its debacle in the 33-day war in Lebanon and its experiences in 22-day and 8-day wars,” the Leader said.

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