Resistance Only Way to Confront Israeli Regime: Lebanon’s Amal Movement

Resistance Only Way to Confront Israeli Regime: Lebanon’s Amal Movement

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lebanon’s Amal Movement hailed Hezbollah after the resistance movement retaliated Israeli shelling and airstrikes on southern Lebanon with a rocket barrage, emphasizing that the only way to confront the Tel Aviv regime is resistance and adherence to rules of deterrence.

“Confronting the Zionist enemy and preventing it from targeting our land, sea and air is a sacred right,” the movement said in a statement released on Monday.

It added, “Victory over Israel can only be achieved through resistance, and establishment of the rules of deterrence and engagement with the enemy.”

Hezbollah announced in a statement that its units hit “open fields” near Israeli positions at 11:15 a.m. local time (0815 GMT) on Friday, using “dozens” of 122mm caliber rockets.

Al-Mayadeen television news network said at least 20 rockets were fired at Israel's military positions. Al-Minar TV said a number of the rockets targeted the Douf military base.

Israeli media said residents of settlements in the north of the occupied territories had been asked to stay in homes.

Following the retaliatory rocket attack, Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett and the regime’s minister of military affairs Benny Gantz held an emergency session amid reports of a massive number of sorties conducted by Israeli warplanes over southern Lebanon.

Iraqi anti-terror Kata'ib Hezbollah and al-Nujaba resistance groups, which are part of Hashd al-Sha’abi, reaffirmed their support for Hezbollah, and declared their readiness to stand by it in any case of a possible confrontation with the occupying Israeli regime.

Kata'ib Hezbollah congratulated the Lebanese resistance movement on its “firm response to the recent Zionist regime’s attacks, as well as its violation of international resolutions and Lebanese sovereignty by targeting areas in the southern part of the country.”

Hezbollah has proven that it is “fully prepared to confront any adventurism that the Zionist enemy might get involved in,” it said, praising “the steadfastness of Lebanese nation in the face of attempts by the Zionist-US-Saudi coalition to drag Lebanon into malicious chaos and vanquish resistance forces.”

The Nujaba movement, for its part, declared its full readiness to “enter into the deterrence equation” announced by Hezbollah Secretary General Seyed Hassan Nasrallah.

“Hezbollah's calculated response proves that the occupying regime’s policies and aggressions will come to an end,” it said in a statement.

The movement said its “resistance fighters have their finger on the trigger and ready to respond. They are present in every field.”

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