Spokesman Rejects Baseless Allegation of Iranian Military Presence in Yemen

Spokesman Rejects Baseless Allegation of Iranian Military Presence in Yemen

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman rejected as unfounded a claim that an attack by the Saudi-led coalition has hit an Iranian secret military position in the Yemeni capital Sana’a, stressing that Iran has no military presence in Yemen.

Saeed Khatibzadeh on Wednesday said Iran has no military links with Yemen whatsoever.

Iran has never had any military presence in Yemen to be hit by the invaders, he said, adding that such allegations are aimed at deflecting attention away from the crimes committed by the Riyadh-led aggression coalition.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman underlined that such groundless statements won’t change the reality in Yemen in respect of the flawed military strategy of the aggressors.

The coalition launched the war on Yemen in March 2015 to restore power in the country to Riyadh’s former favorite officials.

It has stopped way short of the goal, while killing tens of thousands of Yemenis and turning the entire country into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

In retaliation, Yemen’s defense forces that comprise the country’s army and Popular Committees have been returning the aggression with counterstrikes targeting Riyadh-led militants inside Yemen and Saudi targets across the border.

The forces have vowed not to lay down their arms until the country's complete liberation from the Saudi-led invasion and a simultaneous siege that the aggressors have imposed on their country.

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