Iran Hails Malaysia’s Support for Palestine

Iran Hails Malaysia’s Support for Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian thanked his Malaysian counterpart for condemning the acts of the usurping Israeli regime and also for Kuala Lumpur’s efforts in support of the oppressed Palestinian people.

In a telephone on Wednesday, Amirabdollahian and Malaysian Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah discussed the Palestinian issue, regional and international developments, and bilateral ties.

During the talks, Iran’s top diplomat congratulated his Malaysian counterpart on the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr.

He also referred to the International Quds Day and the desecration of al-Aqsa Mosque and the holy city of al-Quds during Ramadan by the Zionist regime, welcoming Malaysia’s stance in condemning the Israeli regime’s moves.

Amirabdollahian welcomed a meeting of the Special Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation on Palestine at the level of ambassadors.

He said the Islamic Republic believes that given the sensitivity of this issue, it needs be taken into account at the level of the council of ministers.

Amirabdollahian also referred to Malaysia's membership at the Human Rights Council and called for taking this opportunity in condemning the Zionist regime and getting Israel’s siege of Gaza removed.

“We are strongly opposed to some countries’ move to normalize relations with the fake Israeli regime,” he added.

The Iranian foreign minister further underscored the need for finalizing bilateral memorandums of understanding over consulate and judicial issues.

He also expressed gratitude to Malaysia for pardoning some Iranian nationals imprisoned in Malaysia.

The two top diplomats then stressed the importance of expanding bilateral relations, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

Saifuddin Abdullah, for his part, congratulated Amirabdollahian on the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr and underlined the necessity of joint efforts by the two sides in the OIC to pursue the Palestinian cause.

He added that his country holds good relations with all Palestinian groups.

Saifuddin Abdullah said Malaysia will never allow the Palestinian issue slip into oblivion nor will it let the Israeli regime’s plot aimed at normalization succeed.

The top Malaysian diplomat also referred to his country’s determination to boost bilateral ties with Iran.

He described as important concentration on new areas of relations between Tehran and Kuala Lumpur as well as continued consultations between the two sides and also the development of the ties.


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