US Does Not Change Essence of Policy toward Venezuela: Russia

US Does Not Change Essence of Policy toward Venezuela: Russia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Softening of the sanctions against Venezuela does not change the essence of Washington’s policy toward Caracas, Director of the Latin American Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Schetinin said.

"We consistently support cancellation of sanction restrictions imposed on that country. We definitely take note that such movement is now in place. This is fundamentally the movement in a proper direction," he told TASS on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The real issue nevertheless is that they definitely do not change so far the essence of the policy pursued by the US toward Venezuela," the diplomat said.

Moscow was always against "unlawful unilateral sanctions imposed on Venezuela, which were overtly discriminating by nature and presented an example of interfering in internal affairs, focusing on the US plan, the plan of Western states to change the government of this country," he added.

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