Yemen's Information Minister Says US Largely Responsible for Arab Country's Crisis

Yemen's Information Minister Says US Largely Responsible for Arab Country's Crisis

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen's information minister, Dhaifullah al-Shami, accused the United States of being largely responsible for the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in the country.

In a tweet, Shami stated that the US is responsible for the suffering of Yemenis, having imposed several rounds of sanctions and blockading entry ports controlled by the Ansarullah resistance movement.

According to Shami, the US can not be relied upon to establish a durable and inclusive peace agreement in Yemen that would alleviate the suffering of its people, as it has created the world's worst humanitarian crisis through support for the Saudi siege and devastating attacks against the nation.

The minister also pointed to US history, stating that the country has not shown any help in establishing peace or restoring stability.

Shami stressed that the Sana'a government has presented numerous initiatives aimed at securing nationwide peace in Yemen, including proposals put forward by the late head of Yemen's Supreme Political Council and its current chairman. However, these attempts have all been unsuccessful due to the refusal of the US and Saudi Arabia to consider the peace proposals, obstructing any negotiation of peace in Yemen, he said.

The Saudi-led coalition, with the support of its Arab allies and Western states, launched a war on Yemen in March 2015 with the objective of crushing the popular Ansarullah resistance movement and reinstating the Riyadh-friendly regime of Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi. However, this has resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and the world's worst humanitarian crisis, without the coailition achieving its objectives.

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