Iran Condemns Attack on Police Compound in Pakistan’s Karachi

Iran Condemns Attack on Police Compound in Pakistan’s Karachi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned a terrorist attack that has killed a number of security forces and a civilian in the southern Pakistani city of Karachi.

In a statement on Friday, Nasser Kanaani expressed sympathies with the government and people of Pakistan as well as the families of those killed in the attack.

He also wished recovery for the wounded.

At least four people have been killed as Pakistani Taliban fighters stormed a police compound in Karachi.

Gunfire and explosions were heard on Friday outside the premises, which is home to several police buildings and officer residences.

Three members of the security forces and a civilian were killed and several other security force members were wounded, police chief for Sindh province said.

Two suicide bombers were killed and at least one blew himself up after entering the police building, officials added.

Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), also known as the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack.

The assault on Karachi’s police headquarters was carried out weeks after a suicide bomber disguised as a policeman killed 101 people at a mosque in the northwestern city of Peshawar. Authorities blamed the TTP for orchestrating the bombing.

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