Iran Urges Formation of United Muslim Front against Zionist Crimes

Iran Urges Formation of United Muslim Front against Zionist Crimes

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi expressed deep concern over the recent developments in Palestine following the Zionist regime’s desecration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, hoping that the Muslim states would form a united front to stop the Israeli barbaric atrocities.

In a telephone conversation with Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Thursday, Raisi expressed deep concern over the recent developments in Palestine and condemned the crimes of the Zionist Regime, especially insulting the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Iranian president also expressed hope that the Islamic countries would prevent the continuation of the Zionist atrocities by forming a united front, his official website reported.

He then hailed the friendly and age-old relations between Tehran and Islamabad, expressing hope that these relations would develop further, especially in the economic and energy fields.

"The policy of strengthening relations with neighbors and developing relations with Islamic countries is one of the main approaches of the 13th administration," Raisi added.

Prime Minister Sharif, for his part, condemned the criminal actions of the Zionist regime in recent days, called Pakistan the permanent defender of the oppressed Palestinian people, and expressed hope that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) would prevent the continuation of Zionist crimes by creating a united front.

He also emphasized his country's interest in strengthening Tehran-Islamabad relations.

Highlighting Iran's privileged position in the region and the importance of expanding Islamabad's relations with Tehran, Sharif emphasized his country's readiness to implement the economic cooperation projects with Iran.

Last week, heavily armed Israeli forces raided Al-Aqsa Mosque twice, wounding dozens and arresting hundreds of Palestinians, who were praying at Islam’s third holiest site.

Images of the attacks showed detained Palestinian worshipers lying face down with their legs and arms bound behind their backs, and others with their hands tied being led into a vehicle, Press TV reported.

The violence, which took place during the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan, was followed by Israeli airstrikes on Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip amid rocket fires by Palestinian resistance groups toward the occupied territories.

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