Spokesman Refutes Outgoing UN Rapporteur’s Report on Iran

Spokesman Refutes Outgoing UN Rapporteur’s Report on Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the last report that the outgoing UN special rapporteur on situation of human rights in Iran has released, denouncing Rehman’s findings as part of hostile attempts to taint Iran’s image.

In a statement on Wednesday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani strongly condemned Javaid Rehman’s “falsified report” as an attempt by the enemies of Iran to tarnish the image of the Islamic Republic.

He said the outgoing UN rapporteur, who has been serving the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) by hiding under the cloak of his international titles, has pursued the policies of that terrorist group in the last days of his tenure.

Kanaani underlined that the allegations raised by Rehman lack credibility and are totally rejected.

Bemoaning the fact that Rehman has easily abused the UN position to release false stories, the spokesman said, “The United Nations officials, specifically the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, are legally responsible to prevent the abuse and preparation of grounds for the pursuit of personal or collective biased objectives against countries.”

The Islamic Republic of Iran reserves the legal right to object to such wrong approach in certain human rights organizations, he stated.

The enemies of Iran, who have failed to bring the Iranian nation to its knees through terrorism, encouraging cruel economic sanctions, and other measures cannot clean up their dark record of anti-human and terrorist activities with the abuse of the international organizations and distortion of realities, Kanaani stated.

His comments came after Rehman called for an international mechanism to investigate what he called “atrocity crimes” in Iran.

The special rapporteur released his final findings on July 17 before his mandate ends on July 31, alleging that summary, arbitrary and extra-judicial executions during 1981-1982 and in 1988 in Iran amounted to crimes against humanity.

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