Iran’s Export of Non-Oil Products to Syria Up 11.4%: Spokesman

Iran’s Export of Non-Oil Products to Syria Up 11.4%: Spokesman

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman of the Trade Promotion Commission of Iran’s House of Industry, Mine and Trade said the country’s export of non-oil products to Syria in the past Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2022 to March 20, 2023) surged 11.4 percent compared to a year earlier.

While describing the details of the country’s exports of non-oil products to Syria, Seyed Rouhollah Latifi stated that about 147,000 tons of non-oil goods, valued at over $243 million, were exported to Syria, registering a 10.6 and 11.4 percent growth in weight and value respectively compared to last year.

Speaking ahead of a historic visit by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi to Syria, Latifi pointed out that the export of Iranian products to this Arab country has experienced many ups and downs in the recent two decades.

Iran’s export of non-oil products to Syria had an upward trajectory from 2002 up to 2011 i.e. before the start of the Syrian crisis, he said, noting that Iran exported over $2 billion worth of non-oil products to Syria during those 10 years.

Regarding the export of Iranian products to Syria last year (ended March 20, 2023), the former spokesperson of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) said over $40 million worth of food, dairy and agricultural products and also $33.6 million worth of medical equipment were exported to Syria, showing a considerable hike compared to a year earlier.

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