FM Highlights Iran’s Role in Prevention of Fighting at Syria-Turkey Border

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s diplomatic efforts played a significant role in preventing military clashes at the common border between Syria and Turkey, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said.

Speaking to reporters upon his arrival in Moscow for a ministerial meeting of Iran, Russia, Turkey and Syria, Amirabdollahian said the region underwent very tough situation last year with the possibility of eruption of military clashes at the border between Syria and Turkey.

He noted that the Astana Format meeting coupled with the diplomatic efforts of Iran and Russia to prevent military clashes resulted in the launch of diplomatic negotiations.

“In the Astana meeting, hosted by (Iranian President) Dr. Raisi in Tehran, concentration on political solutions between Turkey and Syria was emphasized,” Amirabdollahian added.

He also expressed hope that all parties in the quadrilateral meeting in Moscow would emphasize the need for political solutions.

Pointing to the good steps for the political settlement of disputes between Syria and Turkey, Amirabdollahian hoped that Ankara and Damascus would send strong signals that they focus on political solutions and pave the way for the return of the Syrian refugees and the withdrawal of foreign military forces, such as the American occupying forces, from northern Syria.