Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian Man at West Bank Checkpoint Amid Rising Tensions

Israeli Forces Kill Palestinian Man at West Bank Checkpoint Amid Rising Tensions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli forces fatally shot a Palestinian man at the main checkpoint between the occupied northern West Bank and al-Quds, claiming that he had opened fire.

The incident occurred during a new wave of violence perpetrated by the Israeli regime and settlers against Palestinian residents.

Hebrew-language media outlets of the Israeli regime alleged that the yet unidentified Palestinian arrived on foot at the Qalandiya checkpoint north of al-Quds early Saturday morning, carrying an M16 automatic rifle. He allegedly began firing at Israeli forces in the area before being shot dead at the scene.

According to reports, a "security guard" and another individual sustained minor injuries from the gunfire at the checkpoint.

Israeli police forces arrived at the scene, and the injured individuals were evacuated by medical personnel to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in West al-Quds for treatment.

The incident occurred against the backdrop of heightened tensions in the West Bank, following a series of retaliatory actions by Palestinians and "price tag" attacks by extremist Zionist settlers.

Israeli settlers rampaged through Palestinian towns in the West Bank, setting cars and farmland ablaze and vandalizing homes on Tuesday night. These scenes were reminiscent of a previous attack earlier this year in the village of Huwwara.

On Wednesday, hundreds of armed settlers descended on the town of Turmusaya, protected by Israeli soldiers. The settlers attacked Palestinian residents, destroyed property, and fatally shot a 27-year-old Palestinian man.

The violence erupted after four Israeli settlers were shot dead, and four others were injured in a retaliatory attack by two Palestinian resistance fighters at a gas station near the illegal settlement of Eli in the occupied West Bank.

According to the Israeli military, one of the resistance fighters was killed at the scene, while the second suspect was later killed by Israeli forces near Nablus after fleeing in a taxi. The Palestinians involved were identified as Mohannad Faleh Shhadeh, 26, and Khaled Mostafa Sbah, 24, both from the village of Urif near Nablus.

The shooting incident followed a large-scale Israeli military incursion into the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, where at least six Palestinians were killed and 91 others wounded during the nine-hour raid.

During the confrontation, the Israeli regime deployed helicopter gunships in the West Bank for the first time in decades, while Palestinian fighters detonated a large roadside bomb under an Israeli armored vehicle.

As Israeli settlers continue their violent actions across the occupied West Bank, protected by the Israeli military, dozens of Palestinians have been injured. One Palestinian sustained a gunshot wound, and many others suffered from suffocation when army-backed settlers attempted to storm the city of Dayr Dibwan, east of Ramallah, on Friday.

The settlers set fire at the entrance of Dayr Dibwan, but local youths confronted them, forcing them to retreat. Israeli troops accompanying the settlers responded by attacking Palestinians with live rounds and tear gas canisters.

In other incidents, settlers under army protection gathered at the entrance of Beitin village near al-Bireh city, pelting passing Palestinian vehicles with

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