US’ Return to UNESCO Circumventing Rules Creates Dangerous Precedent: Russian Envoy

US’ Return to UNESCO Circumventing Rules Creates Dangerous Precedent: Russian Envoy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Adopting a resolution on the US returning to UNESCO as a full-fledged member without completely settling its debt creates a dangerous precedent for the organization, said Russia's Permanent Representative to UNESCO Rinat Alyautdinov.

"A dangerous precedent has been created for UNESCO and the entire UN system in general - the founding principle of international law, the principle of the sovereign equality of states which was the basic one for international relations, has been violated," he told TASS.

The diplomat noted that other countries had not received such concessions as the US and an amendment allowing to do so was rejected during debates on the resolution.

Members of an extraordinary session of the UNESCO General Conference adopted a resolution for the US to rejoin the organization, accepting Washington’s terms for an incremental payment of its debt.

The resolution passed in a 132-10 vote, with 10 abstentions. The resolution required a majority of 95 votes to pass, so it was deemed approved, according to the session’s chairman.

According to the resolution, the failure of the United States to pay its fees in the past was due to circumstances beyond its control. If the US is reinstated as a member before July 31, its delegates could be elected to the Executive Board and participate in all votes until the 43rd session of the UNESCO General Conference. Also, in view of the enormous debt of the United States, it was decided to suspend some provisions of the internal regulations of the General Conference.

The US renounced the financing of UNESCO in 2011 after the organization had extended full membership to Palestine.

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