Israel Knows Only Language of Force: Iran’s UN Mission

Israel Knows Only Language of Force: Iran’s UN Mission

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s mission to the United Nations stressed the need for the Palestinians to press on with resistance against the Zionist regime, which is familiar only with the language of force.

The Iranian mission told Newsweek that Tehran is ready to help Palestinians win over the regime through use of “force.”

“Based on Iran’s assessment, Palestinians cannot regain their seized rights from the Israeli regime through negotiation, as the Israeli regime only responds to force,” the mission said, Press TV reported.

“Therefore, Iran supports any request for assistance from the Palestinian resistance,” it added.

The occupation forces assaulted several neighborhoods in Jenin by air and land on Monday as the Palestinian death toll from the latest wave of Israeli aggression has topped 10 since it began in the early hours of the day.

Israel’s military assault appeared to be the largest attack in the occupied West Bank in around two decades as the regime deployed armed drones and hundreds of troops against the innocent Palestinians.

Iran on Monday condemned the bloody Israeli military aggression against Jenin as an example of “state terrorism” and said the aggression proved that peace with the usurping entity cannot stop its “war machine.”

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