Iraqi Politician Denounces US Control of Economic Affairs

Iraqi Politician Denounces US Control of Economic Affairs

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - A prominent Iraqi politician has criticized the United States for its control over Iraq's economic affairs, which has hindered Baghdad's ability to clear arrears resulting from unpaid-for Iranian gas imports.

Hadi al-Ameri, the head of the Fatah (Conquest) Alliance in Iraq's Parliament, emphasized the importance of Iraq achieving economic independence from the US.

Al-Ameri expressed his concerns on Thursday, stating, "It is a source of ignominy [for Iraq] to be controlled by a US Treasury Department employee. All [Iraqi] politicians should unite to realize the country's economic sovereignty."

His remarks were in response to the US's obstruction of Iraq's efforts to resolve the arrears issue. Due to US sanctions on Iran, Iraq has been unable to pay approximately 11 billion euros ($12.1 billion) it had deposited in an account in the Trade Bank of Iraq for gas and electricity imports from Iran. Washington has threatened to impose sanctions on Iraq if it attempts to settle the debt in cash.

Earlier this month, it was reported that Iran had cut off gas supplies to Iraq in an effort to pressure the country to pay its outstanding debts for previous energy imports. However, subsequent reports indicated that Iraq had reached an understanding with Iran to trade its crude oil for Iranian natural gas as a means of resolving the long-standing dispute.

Al-Ameri reiterated his call, urging Iraqi politicians to courageously declare their country's economic independence and break free from what he described as servitude to the US.

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