Iranian FM’s Visit to Japan Not Confirmed

Iranian FM’s Visit to Japan Not Confirmed

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – There has still been no official confirmation of a report about a probable visit to Japan by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian.

While the Japanese and Western media outlets reported on Friday that the top Iranian diplomat will soon travel to Tokyo, Tasnim has not found any official confirmation of the report, neither from Iran nor Japan.

Moreover, Japan’s TBS Television has released a baseless story that the Japanese officials have asked Iran to stop the alleged exports of arms to Russia.

Should the Iranian foreign minister pay a visit to Japan, he will be holding talks on the bilateral issues and the new conditions in West and East Asia, will condemn the unilateral and illegal sanctions that the US has imposed against the Iranian nation, stress the need for the removal of the cruel sanctions, highlight the legitimate rights of the Iranian nation, and weigh plans for the release of Iran’s assets blocked in the Japanese banks due to the US sanctions.

Iran has repeatedly expressed neutrality in the Ukraine war, stressing that it interacts with Russia and Ukraine, but does not support either side in the escalation of war. Tehran has consistently called on Moscow and Kyiv to settle the crisis through dialogue and peaceful manners.

In comments at a recent press conference with his Pakistani counterpart in Islamabad, Amirabdollahian rejected any military solution to the war in Ukraine, saying, “We believe that arming Ukraine by the US and some Western states is worrying. Arming the warring sides will result in nothing but further destruction.”

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