Mustafa Prize Cherishes Science Shaping Modern Islamic Civilization: Raisi

Mustafa Prize Cherishes Science Shaping Modern Islamic Civilization: Raisi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi hailed the Mustafa Prize for honoring the sciences who seek to provide welfare for humanity and shape the modern Islamic civilization as a role model for scientists and researchers.

Speaking in the opening ceremony of the 5th Mustafa International Award, held in Isfahan on Friday evening, President Raisi offered congratulations on the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Imam Sadiq (AS) and on the Islamic Unity Week.

This conference was organized with the name of Mustafa (PBUH) to honor the authority of science and knowledge, he noted, adding, "The highest level of science considered by the Prophet of Mercy is beneficial science, which is for the happiness and salvation of human beings and to untie the knot from People's lives."

He warned that useless science aimed at gaining power, wealth, colonization and exploitation will not only not lead to the salvation of human beings, but will also lead to the destruction of humanity.

"The science of some scientists, instead of benefiting humanity, is aimed at the destruction of human beings,” Raisi stated.

The president said the roots of many of today's Western sciences, techniques and technologies are in Islamic civilization and added, "Islamic civilization seeks to bring humanity to prosperity in the fields of justice, ethics and spirituality as the cornerstone of society."

He noted that the difference between the Mustafa Award event and other similar ceremonies is in its view of science, and said, "The Mustafa Prize is awarded to science and knowledge that has the two wings of science and faith, a science that has authenticity and seeks to create happiness and welfare of humanity and the new Islamic civilization."

"The Mustafa Scientific Award has a great mission and therefore it should be recognized as a creative movement and efforts should be made to develop it," he noted.

"Unlike the humanist view, this divine view of science is in the service of mankind and the fulfilment of the goals of creation," the president concluded.

The Mustafa Prize is awarded in four categories of information and communication science and technology, life and medical science and technology, nanoscience and nanotechnology, and all areas of science and technology.

The Mustafa Prize seeks to encourage education and research and play a pioneering role in developing regional relations between science and technology institutions working in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member countries.

It was launched in 2013, with high-profile universities and academic centers of the OIC member states defining its policies.

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