Iranian Scientist’s Book on AI Revolutionizes Agriculture

Iranian Scientist’s Book on AI Revolutionizes Agriculture

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A new book by an Iranian scientist unveils a new era of Smart Farming that promises to transform the agricultural landscape through the power of artificial intelligence (AI), as it is poised to redefine farming practices, making them more sustainable and efficient.

In the developing world, agricultural supply chains play a pivotal role in addressing the needs of a growing population. Balancing this role involves considerations for sustaining livelihoods, enhancing human nutrition, and navigating changes in both the environment and market dynamics. Data science emerges as a valuable tool, capable of addressing diverse factors and supporting governments, business owners, as well as small and large-scale farmers in various capacities.

Hemed Kioumarsi, a researcher at the Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Organization of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Ministry of Agriculture, underscores the significance of smart farming in his new book, "Data Science: A Quick Guide to Modern Data Governance." The book, co-authored by Marzieh Alidoust and edited by Samuel C. Allen, was written and published in 2023 in line with the goals of the Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Organization, making it research work with an international and broader perspective. This is reflected in its publication in English, aimed at reaching a global audience.

Kioumarsi emphasizes the crucial role played by the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data analytics in shaping the agricultural economy. IoT refers to the network of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies that exchange data with other systems via the Internet.

The pervasive influence of data science and artificial intelligence (AI) is evident across diverse domains, from satellites in space to the field of agriculture. AI, as a multidisciplinary field, aims to automate activities that currently rely on human intelligence.

The author points out that agriculture generates copious amounts of data. Therefore, employing advanced statistical techniques for analyzing this data, whether it is small or large, becomes crucial for accurate and efficient estimation of various agricultural parameters. These parameters include the area, production, and productivity of crops, as well as the estimation of price, supply, demand, and other market-influencing factors.

Kioumarsi advocates for the adoption of advanced statistical techniques by researchers engaged in agriculture, emphasizing their efficacy for both small and large datasets.

The integration of data science and artificial intelligence not only enables precise parameter estimation but also facilitates the forecasting of future agricultural policies' impact before implementation. The increasing national and international focus on leveraging data science and artificial intelligence in agriculture reflects a promising trend, and Kioumarsi expresses hope that Iran is on the right track in this endeavor.

The book is a comprehensive guide for those interested in understanding data science and related subjects. It caters to the increasing demand for data science skills, making data scientists among the top contenders for high-paying jobs in the future.

Kioumarsi has recently been appointed to the editorial board of the top-ranked journal Biological Procedures Online, achieving a 2-year Impact Factor of 6.4. With BSc and MSc degrees in Agriculture and a Ph.D. from the University of Science Malaysia, Kioumarsi is a well-known and award-winning author of 11 books. He highlighted the journal's focus on improving access to techniques and methods in agricultural and biological sciences during a 2023 event on scientific communication.

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