Iran Highlights Africa’s Role in Lasting World Order

Iran Highlights Africa’s Role in Lasting World Order

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Decrying the US and Westerners for applying force and focusing on their own illegitimate interests in the existing world order, an Iranian deputy foreign minister said a lasting and compressive order cannot be achieved without Africa’s effective role.

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Ali Baqeri presented Iran’s views about peace and security in Africa in a panel in Senegal, attended by his counterparts from France, Germany and Turkey.

The Iranian diplomat is in Senegal to take part in the 9th edition of the Dakar International Forum on Peace and Security in Africa.

“The current world order, despite all its complexities, suffers from many weaknesses and challenges to the extent that, as everyone admits, it is impossible for this order to continue to exist, and undoubtedly, this order will fall apart,” he said.

“Presently, we are going through a transition to a new order. Meanwhile, it should be stressed that in the new order, Africa has to reclaim its true status. The main weakness of the current declining order is the obvious injustice that has become institutionalized in the fabric of the order. The order that is not based on justice will surely not last,” the Iranian diplomat added.

Slamming the existing order for serving the interests of several Western powers, Baqeri said, “On the other hand, none of the actors, including Africans, have an effective role in the existing order, so the imposition of the current order is considered one of its outstanding weaknesses. In other words, the existing order does not stem from everyone’s participation according to their capacities and merits, but from applying force by several powers, including the United States, and it merely caters to their illegitimate interests.”

“Therefore, all effective actors, especially Africans, need to work hard by playing an effective role in order to achieve their deserved share in the future world order. Any order in which Africa does not have a fair share will not last. Thus, all those who want to achieve a stable and comprehensive world order as soon as possible, should avoid from obstructing Africa’s effective role to get its deserved share in it. Meanwhile, Africans should not wait for others to act, but they should stand up against injustices and oppression in order to achieve their deserved share in this order,” he stated.

“Meanwhile, Africans need to pay attention to the fact that in order to achieve this goal, they have to use the capacities of multilateralism in the transition period, because today security, peace, progress and development are not tied to dependence on the United States or any other Western power. During the past years, westerners gained resources, power and advancement at the cost of Africans’ lives and interests, and they ensured their own security at the cost of insecurity in Africa. But today, as the African nations and states are aware, that situation cannot continue, and Westerners can no longer live in African lands, perish human beings and human rights, and at the same time, show compassion for human beings and mourn for human rights in the luxurious buildings of international institutions,” he noted.

“The Westerners’ genocide of in Africa yesterday and the Zionists’ genocide in Palestine today prove that the things that are not valuable for Westerners are human identity, existence and rights,” Baqeri said.

“This is exactly the situation that the world is witnessing in Gaza today. The US and several other Western powers, by backing the occupier and aggressor, do not allow the Palestinian people to have their basic rights. The ongoing incidents in Gaza these days are beyond human rights breach, because the Zionists are slaughtering the existence of humanity in Gaza with the weapons, facilities and support of the US and several other Western powers, and to maintain the existing oppressive order, they are murdering innocent Palestinian women and children in the most despicable shape and raze their houses with the most advanced bombs. The most advanced weapons made by the US and several other Western countries were used in Gaza and its only goal was not to let the Palestinian people enjoy their basic rights. The Westerners’ genocide in Africa yesterday and the Zionists’ genocide in Palestine today prove that the things that are not valuable in the eyes of the Westerners are human identity, existence and rights. By genocide, they can cause a hiccup in the path of restoration of nations’ rights, but we cannot expect to establish and preserve a lasting order. For sure, this point cannot be overlooked, because whenever genocide is mentioned, Westerners are involved in it,” Baqeri added.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the great interests of other nations cannot be plundered for the benefit of a few narcissists. The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that a lasting and compressive order cannot be achieved without Africa’s effective role. The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to work with all its national, regional and international capacities alongside the African people and governments for the development, progress, stability, peace and calm in Africa,” he added.

“Africa’s deserved share in the new world order is hinged on standing up against oppressive trends and rules that only serve the illegitimate interests of the US and a few other Western powers. Thus, the cruel narratives of some western powers should not be allowed to dominate various international issues such as human rights, terrorism, non-proliferation and the likes. If Africa wants to ensure that its rights will be materialized in the international arena, it has to support any movement that helps other nations achieve their rights. Accordingly, supporting the Palestinian people’s rights in deciding for their own destiny, putting an end to the occupation of the Palestinian land, and stopping the violation of the Palestinian people’s rights are an effective step in the process of restoring Africa’s deserved share in the new world order,” the Iranian deputy minister underlined.

“Peace, security, development, and progress are Africa’s rights, and these rights will be fulfilled only if the African governments play an effective role. The Islamic Republic of Iran supports any African plan, policy, or move in this line, as it believes it is linked to catering to independent nations’ interests, either in West Asia or in entire Africa. Hence, we need to have a united voice and stance against the current unilateralism in a collective effort, including in the form of multilateral mechanisms such as the African Union (AU), BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The world needs to know that Africa is a mature and fully grown actor and does not need a guardian. The world needs to know that without Africa’s deserved share, no order will be lasting,” he concluded.

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