Indonesia’s Largest Entrepreneurship Institute Keen on Cooperating with Iran

Indonesia’s Largest Entrepreneurship Institute Keen on Cooperating with Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The largest labor and entrepreneurship institute in Indonesia is willing to cooperate with Iranian women entrepreneurs and traders.

Iran’s Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Ensieh Khazali, who has traveled to Indonesia, held talks with the managers of the largest labor and entrepreneurship institute of the country.

During the meeting, the vice president proposed the launch of a joint digital marketplace with Indonesia to boost mutual cooperation, Mehr news agency reported.

Khazali responded to the questions raised by Indonesia’s women entrepreneurs in the field of tariff rate set for the export of raw materials of textiles and related products from Indonesia to Iran, import and export restrictions and capacities between the two countries, solutions for the money transfer in the sanctions period, etc.

The entrepreneurship institute in Indonesia was founded with the aim of empowering women entrepreneurs at the national and international levels and training them in the commercialization of economic activities.

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