Iran Backs South Africa’s Genocide Case against Israel

Iran Backs South Africa’s Genocide Case against Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran expressed support for South Africa’s “responsible, courageous and honorable” move to file a genocide case against the Israeli regime at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Two days of public hearings in the genocide case against Israel will start at the ICJ on Thursday. The case, filed by South Africa, sets a precedent as the first at the ICJ relating to the siege on the Gaza Strip, where more than 23,000 people have been killed since October 7, nearly 10,000 of them children.

In its application submitted on December 29, Pretoria accuses Israel of committing genocide in contravention of the 1948 UN Genocide Convention, which both South Africa and Israel are party to.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran lashed out at the Zionist regime for committing brutal crimes against Gaza for over three months under unconditional and unrestricted support from certain governments.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran once again strongly condemns the apartheid Zionist regime’s war crimes and genocide against the Palestinian nation and expresses its support for the approach of resistance as a liberation measure and legitimate right recognized by international law for the Palestinian nation in the struggle against occupation,” the statement said.

The Foreign Ministry also voiced Iran’s support for South Africa’s responsible, courageous and honorable move based upon international law in defense of the Palestinian nation, calling for the international community’s support to hold the perpetrators of Gaza crimes accountable.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry also urged the UN Security Council to create effective deterrence and push for a complete cessation of the military strikes on Gaza by the Israeli regime, which it described as a fake and illegitimate entity.

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