Talks Ongoing between Iran, Uzbekistan to Launch Joint Free Trade Zone: TPOI

Talks Ongoing between Iran, Uzbekistan to Launch Joint Free Trade Zone: TPOI

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The head of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) said that negotiations are underway between Iranian and Uzbek officials to launch a free trade zone to boost bilateral trade.

Speaking in his meeting with First Deputy Minister of the Trade of Uzbekistan Nazem Jan Khalmuradov, Mehdi Zeyqami noted that the launch of a Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) between the two countries will enhance bilateral trade to a great extent.

Turning to the launch of Iran EXPO 2024, he said 30 trade and economic delegations from Uzbekistan took part in Iran EXPO 2023 and this year, the Uzbek trade companies will have a stronger presence in Iran EXPO 2024 in line with deepening mutual ties.

Iran is interested in enhancing bilateral trade ties with the Republic of Uzbekistan, he said, reiterating that Uzbek companies from both public and private sectors will participate in this year’s edition of the exhibition powerfully, Mehr news agency reported.

The presidents of the two countries agreed that the value of the trade exchanges between Iran and Uzbekistan should hit $1 billion by 2025, he emphasized.

The two countries enjoy high potential to enhance mutual trade and economic ties, he underlined. 

For his part, thefirst deputy minister of the trade of Uzbekistan noted that Uzbek traders and businesspersons will eagerly take part in Iran EXPO 2024 in line with boosting bilateral cooperation in the fields of trade and economy.

Nazem Jan Khalmuradov pointed to the launch of a joint special economic zone in Uzbekistan and stated that the necessary infrastructures have been provided in this regard.

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