True Promise Operation Was Necessary to Punish An Insane Regime: IRGC Chief

True Promise Operation Was Necessary to Punish An Insane Regime: IRGC Chief

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) described Iran’s recent retaliatory missile and drone attack on Israel as necessary to punish an insane and violent regime.

Speaking in a ceremony in Tehran on Sunday, Major General Hossein Salami described Israel as a regime which understands nothing but the language of force.

Salami was making a reference to Iran’s missile and drone attacks against Israel on April 14 which was carried out in response to the regime’s airstrike earlier that month against Iranian consulate in Syria’s Damascus.

The general insisted, however, that the IRGC considers Operation True Promise as a limited military act against a regime which has been used by the United States as a tool to implement its policies in the Muslim world.

“The aim of this operation was to hit two locations using a few number of drones and missiles to punish a violent and insane regime which understands nothing but the logic of power,” Salami said.

“The Zionist regime is a mischievous and violent creature and a source of insecurity which has created nothing but displacement, war, elimination of human values and emotions. We had to target this point,” he added.

The IRGC’s Operation True Promise came in the midst of Israel’s brutal war on Gaza where the regime has killed nearly 35,500 people in more than eight months of aggression on the Palestinian territory.

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