Iranian Researchers among World's Top 2% Scientists, Stanford Report Shows

Iranian Researchers among World's Top 2% Scientists, Stanford Report Shows

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A new Stanford University report places two researchers from Iran’s Imam Reza International University among the top 2% of the world's most highly cited scientists, highlighting the growing presence of Iranian scholars in global scientific output.

A graduate from Imam Reza International University has been recognized as one of the world's most highly cited scientists.

According to updated information from the Scopus citation database, Dariush Abbasi Nejad, a Master's graduate in Information Technology from Imam Reza International University, was ranked in the top 2% of scientists globally.

This ranking was based on data published in 2024, following the latest evaluation conducted by Scopus, in collaboration with Elsevier and Stanford University.

In addition, Dr. Afsaneh Ghanizadeh, an Associate Professor in the English Department at the same university, was named among the top 2% of scientists for the second consecutive year.

The Stanford report, released in September 2024, shows a notable rise in the number of highly cited Iranian researchers.

Out of 223,152 international researchers, 2,327 scientists affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran made the list.

This marks an increase in both the number of recognized individuals and the global visibility of Iranian researchers compared to the previous year.

Stanford University, one of the world's leading institutions, collaborated with Elsevier's Scopus, the largest global citation database, to compile the list.

Scopus offers comprehensive data on article and book citations, making it an essential tool for researchers in various disciplines.

The top 2% list is based on multiple indicators, including the number of authored articles, citations, and other key scientific metrics.

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