Ayatollah Khamenei Urges Muslims to Stand By Hezbollah

Ayatollah Khamenei Urges Muslims to Stand By Hezbollah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the brutal attacks by the “rabid Zionist dog” on Lebanon revealed the shortsightedness and stupid policies of Israeli officials, calling on all Muslims to unite behind Lebanese people and Hezbollah.

The Leader released a message on Saturday, September 28, following the recent developments in Lebanon.

What follows is the text of the Leader’s message, released by Khamenei.ir:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

On the one hand, the killing of defenseless civilians in Lebanon has once again revealed the savage nature of the rabid Zionists to everyone. On the other hand, it has proven how shortsighted and insane the policies of the leaders of the occupying regime are. The terrorist gang ruling Zionist regime has not learned from its one-year criminal war in Gaza, and does not understand that the massacre of women, children, and civilians cannot hurt strong structure of the Resistance or bring it to its knees. Now they are testing the same absurd policy in Lebanon.

The Zionist criminals need to know that they are far too weak to be able to inflict any significant damage on the solid structure of Lebanon’s Hezbollah. All the Resistance forces in the region stand with and support Hezbollah.

The Lebanese have not forgotten that when the soldiers of the occupying regime had advanced to Beirut, it was Hezbollah who stopped them and made Lebanon proud.

The Lebanese have not forgotten that there was a time when the soldiers of the occupying regime were advancing toward Beirut, and Hezbollah stopped them, and made Lebanon proud. Today too, by the grace and power of God, Lebanon will make the transgressing, malicious enemy regret its actions.

It is an obligation for all Muslims to stand with the people of Lebanon and the honorable Hezbollah, offering their resources and assistance as Hezbollah confronts the usurping, cruel, malicious (Zionist) regime.

May God’s greetings and peace be upon His righteous servants

Sayyid Ali Khamenei

September 28, 2024

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