Envoy Acclaims “Friends of Syria” Conference in Tehran

Envoy Acclaims “Friends of Syria” Conference in Tehran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian ambassador to Iran applauded the second parliamentary meeting of the "friends of Syria" countries in Tehran, saying the conference was indicative of support for the Syrian nation.

Parliamentary delegations from 30 countries partook in the second parliamentary meeting of the friends of Syria countries in Tehran on Sunday. The participants were mostly heads of the parliamentary foreign policy commissions in their countries, coming from Latin America, Africa, Islamic countries and Syria’s neighbors plus a delegation from Syria itself.

In an interview with the Tasnim News Agency on Sunday, Syria’s envoy to Tehran Adnan Hassan Mahmoud said participation of the large number of countries in the meeting was “a sign of support for the Syrian nation’s options and its right to decide its own destiny through the ballot boxes.”

The meeting also sends a message of support for the upcoming presidential elections in Syria, the ambassador stated, noting that the polls will be held “within the framework of pluralism and under Syria’s new constitution.”

Syria’s presidential election is slated for June 3 with three candidates standing for the presidency, namely incumbent President Bashar al-Assad, Maher Abdel Hafiz Hajjar and Hassan Abdullah al-Nuri.

Earlier on Wednesday, Syrian expatriates cast their ballots in the Syrian embassies in 43 different countries. The turnout stood at over 95 percent.

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